Best Mountain Resort

Crédits : Charlène Campos. Photo : DR

Crans-Montana and the Bestenheider family

The Bestenheider family is part and parcel of the history of Crans-Montana. On the occasion of the opening of the Aïda Hotel & Spa, flashback to its family saga.

For the Bestenheiders, strength lies in unity. They in fact run five establishments embodying stylish mountain stays at the heart of Crans-Montana: L'Hostellerie du Pas de l’Ours, Aïda Hotel & Spa, Hôtel de l’Étrier, Gerber restaurant and tea-room, and the Gréni restaurant.

Fascinated by old stone, Armand Bestenheider, ex-professional hockey-player well-known among Valaisans, has taken over and renovated properties in the village for the past 50 years. More than anything else, he loves restoring old buildings to their original style, as he did for L'Hostellerie du Pas de l’Ours that he acquired in 1994. Steeped in history, it was built in 1912, one of the resort's first hotels. He also shares with his wife, Christiane, an innate passion for hospitality, handed down to their four daughters. One of them, Séverine Bestenheider-Reynaud, ran L'Hostellerie du Pas de l’Ours from the very first day. 25 years, six more suites and a Michelin star later, she can be proud of her success. An amazing adventure lived every day with passion and devotion, alongside her husband, Franck Reynaud, chef for the restaurants of L'Hostellerie and the Aïda Hotel & Spa.

Welcome to the world of Best Mountain Resort hotels for an unforgettable stay in Crans-Montana.

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