Best Mountain Resort

Crédits : Lizzie Gomes. Translation: Jill Harry.

Dining with Chef Franck Reynaud

Mixing and matching flavours is an art mastered to perfection by Chef Franck Reynaud. 
What makes your cuisine stand out?

I want it to be “human” cuisine. The idea is to pinpoint the exact source of my products. So on a regular basis, I go to see all my suppliers and producers. For cheeses, vegetables, but also meat, I know exactly how they have been grown or raised. My cooking thus contains Swiss ingredients only, local as far as possible. I take great pleasure in adding wild herbs that grow here in our mountains and, when in season, local mushrooms that appear on the day's menu. Finally, I love to introduce to our guests, but also to Valaisans, products they have never seen elsewhere, while everything comes from right here! All this work is inevitably felt in the quality of dishes served in our restaurants.

How do you always manage to surprise your guests?

I like to play with temperatures, especially in summer, to propose cold garnishing with something hot. I also like to work with textures, and two or three different flavours in each dish.

The concept you want to develop in the restaurant at L’Aïda, Le Partage?

Between “bistrot” and “gastro” while maintaining the same approach to fine mountain produce. You will also find some very sophisticated dishes as well as suggestions for sharing, to enjoy culinary experiences together. Whatever you choose, you will always appreciate fine presentation, with the choice of an individual dish or not.

L’Aïda is above all a well-being hotel where relaxation is omnipresent. How do you prolong this experience?

Here you can do as you wish. After a day on the slopes, if you want to enjoy a glass of wine and order tapas, you can stay in casual dress. The “no children” concept enables us to be more creative, without even having to lay a table. As for the atmosphere, it is soothing, with “chill-out” music to encourage the idea of congeniality and sharing.

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